About Us

Welcome to our Site!

We (Stefanie & Chris) have been together for about 8 1/2 years as of this writing (February 2020). In that time here are some things we’ve been through together – we got married, got a puppy, had our son, purchased and renovated our first home, earned our masters degrees (Business and Nursing), had our first daughter, took on new roles in our careers, started building a home, had our 2nd daughter and finished building our home…and here we are!

Really, we’re just a couple that loves each other, loves our family and works hard to give everyone the best life we can. We’ve found that the best way we can do that is by staying healthy and living balanced lives underscored by a set of strong core values. That doesn’t mean we’re perfect by any stretch…in fact, we know we’re far from it…but we’re trying.

So, to sum it all up, we live a crazy life and if you’re here, we bet you do too. This site is just a glance into our lives, along with some ideas for designing a healthy life – from pregnancy to healthy eating to home design and other lifestyle ideas.

We hope you enjoy and please provide feedback, we’d love to hear from you!