Tips And Tricks to Help You Cope With Pregnancy Insomnia

tired panda

Sleepless Nights…Before Having the Baby?

It’s been night after night that you just cannot get those Zzz’s in and you find yourself dragging during the day.  You may have other children at home too and feel like you cannot function and keep up with them because of the sleep you are losing. 

Isn’t this supposed to be happening AFTER the baby is born? This is the time we need our rest!

I find myself wide awake between the dreaded hours of 2am-4am…lucky me!  I either need to pee, I’m sweating, the baby is having a dance party in my belly, I’m having bad heartburn, my RLS (restless leg syndrome) is starting causing me pain and discomfort, or I’m thinking about the 20 million things I have to do around the house or for my kids. 

Tips & Tricks for Dealing With It

woman having trouble sleeping at night

If you are reading this, I’m sure you have been there or are there with the sleepless nights and hoping for a magic cure.  Well, there isn’t a “magic cure” when you are pregnant because you’ll likely want to avoid taking anything to help you sleep while pregnant. 

However, here are some tricks to help prevent or minimize the amount of times you wake up in the middle of the night.  Let’s talk about how to catch some more Zzz’s before baby gets here!


Meditating for 5-10 minutes before going to bed or during those awful hours in the middle of the night can help relax your body and mind and clear all those thoughts running through your head about your “to-do” list.  Check out some meditation or sleep apps on your phone and give them a try. We recommend Calm or MyLife.


Sometimes I find that shutting off the TV and picking up a good book before bed helps me to not only fall asleep but stay asleep.  Some nights I can barely get through 2 pages before dozing off!

Avoid or Minimize Caffeine

different items that contain caffeine

Guilty here!! I have a 4 year old, 3 year old and 1 year old and I am 7 ½ months pregnant…I need caffeine!  I’ve made some adjustments and tried pouring myself a smaller cup first thing in the morning then pouring “regular” size cup late morning, around 11ish.  I used to have my afternoon cup around 2pm but found that if I waited until then to have a second cup, I would have trouble sleeping at night.  Try having all caffeine, including chocolate before 2pm.


bowl of popcorn

Try not to overload and eat a big meal at dinner or eat anything too spicy that may cause heartburn at 2am.  Try eating earlier, around 5:30pm and a lighter dinner, then a light snack around 7pm…my “go-to” is popcorn. We recommend Boom Chicka Pop or Skinny Pop if you’re looking for something tasty, light and not that bad for you.

Limit Your Bathroom Breaks

Try to drink the bulk of your fluids earlier in the day and begin to slow down in the evening.  It is best if you can minimize the amount of water you drink starting around 6-7pm so you aren’t up all night!


pregnant woman exercising

I definitely see a difference in how I feel the days I do not exercise.  When I can get a brisk 20 minute walk in or 30 minutes of strength training, I definitely feel more energetic and productive that day and typically sleep better at night.

Bedtime Routine

Just like babies and kids, it is important to create a bedtime routine so your body knows what to expect.  For example, wash your face, brush your teeth, get comfy, read a book, and fall asleep!

White Noise/Blackout Shades

I personally do not have either of these but I know they can help.  Our room gets pretty dark so I don’t need blackout shades but if your room is bright, give these a try.   I can actually hear my kid’s sound machines through their monitors so it gives me a little something to block the noise from outside.

Get Comfy

pregnant woman sleeping

Is it too cold? Too hot?  Make sure your room is at a comfortable temperature and you are wearing appropriate clothing for bedtime. Here are some more helpful tips via WebMD.

Good Luck!

Hopefully some of these can help you get a better night’s rest!  You will have plenty of sleepless nights when that baby is born so try to get your rest now.  If these do not help, you can always reach out to your OB and get their thoughts/suggestions too.  Good luck and goodnight~!