Pregnancy & Baby

woman awake at night

Sleepless Nights…Before Having the Baby? It’s been night after night that you just cannot get those Zzz’s in and you find yourself dragging during the day.  You may have other children at home too and feel like you cannot function and keep up with them because of the sleep you are losing.  Isn’t this supposed to be happening AFTER the baby is born? This is the time we need our rest! I find myself wide awake between the dreaded hours of 2am-4am…lucky me!  I either need to pee, I’m sweating, the baby is having a dance party in my belly, I’m having bad heartburn, myRead More →

As you are approaching your last trimester and preparing for your baby shower, you will want to make sure you register for the essentials for your baby.  It can be very overwhelming walking through a store to register for all your baby needs!  There are so many sections, options and items that are not necessarily needed to help you care for your new bundle of joy.  It helps to be prepared by researching key items ahead of time and going with a checklist so you do not over register and end up with items you don’t even need…kind of like grocery shopping!  Here is aRead More →

coconut chicken tenders 2

Recently, I (the baby) was having a craving for chicken tenders and fries. I wanted to satisfy my craving but didn’t want to spoil the healthy pregnancy day I was having. To keep everyone happy, I created a dish that was so delicious and satisfying for not only Mom and baby but for my husband too! Check out my healthy take on chicken tenders and fries below and don’t skip Mommy’s “special” sauce! Chicken Tenders Ingredients 2 large eggs 1 tsp garlic powder ½ tsp salt ½ tsp pepper ¾ cup panko bread crumbs ¾ cup shredded sweetened coconut ½ cup whole wheat flour 1Read More →

messy house with kids

Type A All the Way…Right? One of the struggles I have faced in my adult life is having a type A personality while being a Mom of multiple small children.  If you are like me, everything always has to be neat and organized and nothing can be out of place or you just tend to throw everything away.  The perfect environment for toddlers and babies, right?  Here I am 4 ½ years into motherhood with 3 little ones and another on the way and I still struggle with this every day.  My husband is always reminding me to stop trying to have the perfect houseRead More →

no-bake cocoa cookies

Don’t you love when you are pregnant and the random cravings come on so strong and you just have to have whatever it is?! The other day I had a strong craving for chocolate but didn’t want candy and only had about 15 minutes until the kids were going to be up from their naps. I discovered and tweaked this very easy, fast and delicious recipe that satisfied my chocolate craving…and it was healthy! These cocoa cookies were so gooey, fudgy and full of flavor! Even the kids got to enjoy them when they woke up from their naps…I actually left some for them LOL!Read More →

pregnant woman holding belly

Here We Go Again! Surprise!  We are pregnant with baby #4 and…drum roll please…it’s a girl! Yes, that’s girl #3, but finally we have some good news to celebrate this year.  Being pregnant during Covid has been a little scary and there sure is a lot of uncertainty around it.  Our Family We have a 4 year old (boy), 2.5 year old (girl) and 1 year old (girl) and are trying to keep everyone healthy as usual but even more so during a time like this.  Our 4 year old is back in preschool and playing sports and our 2 year old is back dancingRead More →

baby sleeping

You bring home your sweet bundle of joy and hope they will be good sleepers.  I always love when I hear a new Mom say their baby is sleeping through the night at 2 months old! Just wait…then it happens…the start of the sleep regressions.  It is something that new parents or soon to be parents should really learn about and become familiar with because it can help you prepare, cope and understand your baby a little more.  A good place to start is knowing that sleep regressions are temporary and every baby is different. Sleep regressions can occur anywhere from a few days toRead More →

If you are visiting this section then you must struggling with your toddler’s behavior and desperately searching for ways to deal with it.  You, like many other parents with a toddler or multiple toddlers, are struggling to figure out your child and their erratic behavior.  Maybe you have lost your cool too many times and need to figure out the best approach to parenting.   Every Child is Unique Well…this isn’t a one size fits all kind of thing.  Every child is different, which makes for different approaches.  However, I can offer my view, my experience, and my approach because I have really struggled with my toddler son.  I have takenRead More →

Have you experienced the itchy, stretchy skin on your belly yet? Worried about stretch marks? Well, I have a few of my favorite belly butters that are great for your skin and will not break the bank! Every morning and night I would rub these belly butters on to help hydrate my stretching skin with only the best ingredients. Just a fun, little tip…have your partner rub in the belly butter while talking to baby, it’s great for bonding and your partner may just get a kick or two from baby! 1. Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter – $12.60 on Amazon 2. Honest RockRead More →

Congratulations and welcome to the world of pregnancy!  Everyone experiences pregnancy differently and everyone’s journey to get there is different. Therefore, I will start off by saying, be nice and be respectful.  Yes, there are so many people out there – family, friends, strangers – who love to offer unsolicited advice. Don’t ever forget to just be true to yourself, do your best, and do not allow others to persuade you on how you should look this far along, what you should and shouldn’t be doing, and how to raise your child.  There are so many changes that happen to your body from the veryRead More →