Keep Your Eyes Open – Reminders are Everywhere

We all learn in different ways. You may enjoy reading, listening to podcasts or attending classes. Regardless of the method(s) you choose to learn new information, one thing you can do to reinforce those lessons is to simply keep your eyes and ears open and consciously observe the world around you. Too many people move through their lives without opening their senses to the world around them, missing so much in the process. Next time you go for a walk, make it a point to notice the things around you.

  • What colors do you see?
  • What noises do you hear?
  • What does that tree feel like?
  • What signs do you see?
  • What are the people or animals you see doing?

As you start to take a more conscious approach to observing the world around you, you’ll find yourself thinking a bit more and a bit deeper about things. You’ll start to think back to the lessons you may have learned while reading, listening to a podcast or attending a class. These lessons will naturally be reinforced by simply becoming more aware of what’s around you.

One example – I was walking my dog through my neighborhood the other day and was paying close attention to the different kids of trees I was seeing. Obviously, there were many different kinds, shapes, sizes and colors. One thing consistent among them, however, is the fact that they all had strong roots keeping them solid on the ground. This brought up some thoughts on a general approach to life, which has been stated many times in many ways throughout many of the books I’ve read on philosophy and business.

gnarly tree
Amazing image by Moises Levy, more artwork here.

Be like the tree.

Strongly rooted and impossible to move.

But on the surface – move with the wind, be pliant, be flexible and appear as such.

While inside – you are rooted with strong values, core values, things that shape your overall approach to life.

Anyway, that’s just one example of what I’m trying to get at. Keep your eyes and ears open to try and take more out of the life around you. I’ll post about some of the little things that strike me as I observe life and I urge you to give it a shot as well. Who knows what may happen and where you’ll start to find a bit more meaning in your life.