Mom and Dad HIIT Workouts

Us Moms and Dads have little to no time to ourselves on a daily basis. What little time we do have needs to be strategically thought about to try and make the most of it. Without a game plan, your early morning wake up or hour during nap time may be squandered, never to be seen again.

A few days a week, we try to utilize the little time we do have to get in some exercise. This helps us stay fit, stay sane and keep up with our little monsters. One exercise that we’ve found to be great at making the most of our free time is “high intensity interval training”, or HIIT workouts.

You can google to learn more about what these are and the benefits but to sum it up – you’ll get your body moving, get your heart rate up and sweat out the day’s stress in no time. If you’re interested, I highly recommend checking out The Body Coach TV on YouTube. This series of videos got me hooked on the workouts since they’re quick (15-30 minutes), don’t require any equipment and Joe Wicks seems like he’d be a fun dude to hang out with.

I’ve been attempting to get through a bunch of these lately and they definitely get the beads going. Here’s one to get you started:

Over time we’ll be putting together some workouts based on our favorite exercises, combinations and intervals that we’ve found to be most effective. Give it a shot the next time the kids give you a little break and let us know what you think!