Life has a tendency to get pretty stressful on a regular basis unless you make a conscious effort to do something about it. If you want to achieve great things in your life, be prepared to deal with stressful things, frequently.
Some examples you’re probably dealing with right now –
Money is tight, the bills are due, you haven’t had time to exercise all week, healthy foods just cost too much, you’ve got meetings all day and a presentation to prepare for…oh, and the kids have been at each other all day while you’re trying to focus on getting something on your to-do list done.
Just know that once you do get through your to-do list, if that’s even possible, there are more tasks just waiting to join the list. It’s important to simply accept the fact that life is going to keep coming at you. Not only should you accept that fact, but if there’s a chance you may be seen as a leader by anyone in your life, you need to show them that life isn’t going to get to you simply because a lot is being asked of you.
Your ability to deal with these things is the exact reason why you’re in a position of leadership.
We’re all going to have moments of weakness, there’s no way around it. One way to deal with the stresses of life is to keep things light – for you, your family and your team. If you take life too seriously, there’s no way you’ll ever find any enjoyment out of it. It’ll bring you and others down and create an environment that is both unhappy and unproductive.
Here’s a great quote I came across from Thrive Global:
“Here is the real truth — while things are nowhere near perfect — the sun still rise and fall every day. The sky isn’t falling. It isn’t. The evolution and transformation of everything around us will still continue when we are no more around to witness it.“
What you’re dealing with is what people have dealt with since the beginning of time. Instead of freaking out over everything, lighten up! That email can wait until tomorrow. Step back from the computer…
Listen to some music, read a book, have a dance party with your kids, talk about what’s going on this weekend with your colleagues, go for a walk…just do anything to change your frame of mind and you’ll realize that everything is going to be OK.
Then, come back to your list when you’re in a better place to work through it effectively.
When you need a reminder of this, look around you. Turning a light on, watering the flowers, picking up your baby…just some things that have reminded me in my everyday life to always keep things light!