Mind & Body (Page 2)

birds eye view

Not too long ago, my company established a leadership program and held a series of 2-3 day leadership sessions with managers from various parts of the company. There were many great exercises that all of us managers went through at these sessions but one of them, entitled “Zoom”, taught me a very important lesson that I’ve tried to apply in every area of my life. An Overview of the “Zoom” Exercise We had about 30 people in our group going through the leadership training. The “Zoom” exercised started with each person getting one card that had a picture on it – quite a random pictureRead More →

letting go

Here’s the Lowdown Deciding you’re ready to start a family may be one of the most difficult decisions you make in life. SPOILER ALERT!!! – things don’t get any easier after you do it. The stresses quickly pile up from the day your little one is born. The journey starts with many a sleepless night trying to figure out exactly what your kiddo needs to keep them healthy and happy, usually while they’re screaming in your face in the middle of the night. You may even get lucky enough to get some puke or poop sent your way if things are really going well. OnceRead More →

power of positive thinking

A Teachable Moment…Sorry Son This morning I was able to take my son to soccer, just he and I…“just the boys” as he likes to say. With him having two little sisters and a third on the way, I think we both feel that it’s a special thing when we get to do something together. On the way, I got one of the usual “Hey Dad, do you know what?” ‘s and I was intrigued to hear what was on his mind this time around. “Dad, we haven’t seen any motorcycles in a while.” Now I’m sure it’s been maybe one car trip since we’veRead More →

happy boy watering the flowers

Life has a tendency to get pretty stressful on a regular basis unless you make a conscious effort to do something about it. If you want to achieve great things in your life, be prepared to deal with stressful things, frequently. Some examples you’re probably dealing with right now – Money is tight, the bills are due, you haven’t had time to exercise all week, healthy foods just cost too much, you’ve got meetings all day and a presentation to prepare for…oh, and the kids have been at each other all day while you’re trying to focus on getting something on your to-do list done.Read More →

Baby feet doing the first steps. Baby's first steps.

One day recently, the kids had just finished up with dinner and it was just about time to get ready for bed. Part of our nightly routine is that before we head upstairs, the kids (mainly my son at this point since my daughters are too young) help with cleaning up all their toys they played with throughout the day. On this day, the kids must have went hard because there were toys everywhere. My son looked at me and said “Dad, I can’t do this, there are way too many toys!” He seemed defeated, gave up and moved on to laying on the couch.Read More →

Close up of glasses on blurry city background. Clean vision concept. 3D Rendering

I mentioned in another post on this site the importance of establishing a routine and using habits to help you start small in achieving the life you want. One routine that I have every morning and every evening is waking up, washing up and either putting my contacts in or glasses on to help me see. As I was doing this thing the other morning, I started thinking about one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Begin With the End in Mind. The act of putting my glasses on reminded me of the importance of not only having a long-term strategic vision inRead More →

I’ve got the same routine most mornings. Some exercise a few times a week, get the kids up, get everyone settled in and eating breakfast and take the dog out for a walk. Before walking out the door, I see a collection of shoes for everyone in the family. This always reminds me of the importance of empathy. Empathy is: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. As a husband, father and manager, I have found it extremely helpful to keep empathy in mind every day. It’s far too easy to simply tell your kids or employees what to do in everyRead More →

gnarly tree

We all learn in different ways. You may enjoy reading, listening to podcasts or attending classes. Regardless of the method(s) you choose to learn new information, one thing you can do to reinforce those lessons is to simply keep your eyes and ears open and consciously observe the world around you. Too many people move through their lives without opening their senses to the world around them, missing so much in the process. Next time you go for a walk, make it a point to notice the things around you. What colors do you see? What noises do you hear? What does that tree feelRead More →

focus on your strengths

A recent corporate exercise brought about a discussion around the importance of strengths. Many of us tend to focus on the things that we do not do well. This leads to us wasting valuable time and energy trying to become better at those things or simply knocking ourselves for not being as good as someone else. This comes back to our desire to constantly seek praise and acceptance from our peers for “knowing it all” and being “well-rounded”. What may be the best use of our time and energy, however, is to focus on our strengths. Here are a few simple steps you can takeRead More →

have a date night at home

It’s been a little over 2 months since the world has changed for everyone.  We are scared to go anywhere, see our families and friends, shop for food for our families and so much more.  The impact of COVID-19 has forever changed our world and how we will interact with others.  About 3 months before this all happened, my husband and I had just finished building our new home in a town full of new and exciting restaurants and shops and things to do.  We were excited for our date nights, the preschool our son would be attending for the first time, and all ofRead More →